LeanOnMe passes €90,000 mark

LeanOnMe, a volunteer-led initiative launched to help generate cash flow
for Limerick-based SMEs through the COVID-19 period, has recently passed the €90,000 mark in money raised for local businesses.

The initiative, which was set up by Liveable Limerick and a team of volunteers, was launched in April 2020. As well as the volunteers, a number of Limerick business gave their time to support the portal. These included RHH International, Limerick Post, Grid Finance, Sellors Solicitors, E-live and Tola

The site encourages people to purchase a voucher which will be redeemed at a later date when the chosen businesses reopen. This allows the business to generate some much-needed revenue in these uncertain times. It’s especially helpful for small businesses that wouldn’t have the IT infrastructure to sell vouchers themselves.

“Limerick is, above all, a county with a strong sense of community and belonging. We know how to survive by supporting each other” says John Moran, chair of Livable Limerick and LeanOnMe co-founder. “Even €10 makes a big difference to a small business if enough people are able to contribute.”

There are currently 220 businesses on the LeanOnMe portal. According to co-founder Joe Brooks “These are businesses that we all care about, they are part of the fabric of Limerick City and County. They provide us with our daily coffee, our groceries, clothing and even the odd social gathering at the weekend.” The scheme has been so popular, it has grown to include businesses in Clare and Galway.

Even though shops are starting to recover, the uncertainty remains for these local employers. We’d ask everyone to keep supporting local and buy a voucher on leanonme.eu.