Pigtown Listings – 3rd to 9th August

UPDATED 6/8/2020 We hope you all enjoyed the bank holiday weekend. Don’t worry, there’s still plenty to do this week. In particular, we’d recommend our Pigtown Pick of the week which is a Sunset Hike in the Galtee Mountains with Britton Outdoors on Friday evening. If you enjoy these weekly listings, we have a simple favour to ask. Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and like, share and comment on the posts for this week’s listings. It might seem like a small ask but it goes a long way for a small website like ours. All Week The Continue Reading

Rapecrisis Midwest Charity Auction

On the evening of Friday, 8th May, the Rapecrisis Midwest headquarters suffered a break-in. While no money was taken or personal data compromised, several rooms were damaged. Rapecrisis Midwest helps survivors of sexual abuse and violence. They provide comprehensive information, professional support, and quality counselling service for those affected. They provide a fantastic service for the Midwest region and all for free. “A charity very close to my heart” Following the break-in, volunteer Jantien Schoenmakers felt she needed to do something to help raise some money. “It’s a charity very close to my heart,” says Jantien. “I help with marketing, Continue Reading